Week 3: Aug. 10 – 14
Good Afternoon, Roadrunners. This week has seemed to move slower than normal and I am ready for the weekend, even though the temperature is less than enjoyable. Try to get away from the screens though and do something active. Our bodies need to remain in motion. We spent a lot of time this week looking at and talking about personal essays as we amp up to write our own. We did a lot of free writing activities this week though and I think everyone had fun in the process. I look forward to reading them this weekend. We also spent some time discussing Show vs. Tell and how to draft our essay’s Arc. Overall, it was a great week. I want to remind everyone that you are required to show up to class daily just like you would if you were on campus. This means getting dressed, out of bed, etc. It is harder for us to get our day actually moving if we continue while sitting in bed. A student’s camera must be working and turned on at the start of class and until I give directions that they may turn it off. Failure to have their (your) camera on will result in an absence. If your camera is not working, please contact the school immediately and let them know. In preparation for on campus learning, we are asking for hand sanitizer and any other cleaning supplies you are able to spare. Thanks in advance for helping to keep your students, teachers, and staff safe. Have a great weekend. |