Week 6: May 4 – May 8

 In AP English Literature, English III

Good Morning and Happy Monday!

I can not tell you how excited I was to see more of you in the classroom this past week. It honestly made my day; so thank you so much! Hopefully we can keep it up and finish out the year on a strong point! Parents; thank you for encouraging your students to complete their schoolwork. It really is essential to keeping their brain actively engaged and prepared for next year. Let’s not start the Summer Slump too early!

We are almost done with the school year! I can not believe it; it has gone by so incredibly fast. I’m not quite ready to say goodbye to my seniors, but I know they must move on. Looking forward to graduation!!

This week we are doing something a bit more creative, so I hope you all find it to be a nice reprieve. Think outside the box on this one and have fun! I am asking that you create a Blackout poem this week. As a refresher, I have posted a brief tutorial on the best way to create a Blackout poem; please review that prior to starting. I am expecting something that took some thinking and not just something thrown together in 5 minutes. I will reassign it if it does not meet my expectations, so let’s do it right the first time!

Quick reminder that any assignment turned in on Google Classroom blank will promptly be returned back to you. I know you don’t like the “missing” notifications, but wouldn’t it be easier to just do the assignment? Just a thought!

I am going to try a different Meet schedule. Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will have a scheduled Meet at 11am. Tuesday and Thursday I will have it scheduled for 1pm. This way I can catch the early risers AND the sleepyheads. The link will always be: https://meet.google.com/?pli=1&authuser=1. The code will always be AKovachMeet. If I am not there, you will not be allowed in. Again, if you need to chat with me outside this time or want to visit privately, just send me a note and I will get it scheduled ASAP.

I hope you all have an amazing week. I hope to see you more of you online. As always, if you have any questions, please reach out to me as soon as possible.


Ms. Kovach